Fall in Love

Not only is today the first day of fall (oh what a glorious day!), today also marks one year of my relationship with Andrew. 

On September 20th, 2015, Andrew asked my dad if he and I could pursue something more than friendship. Two days later, on September 22nd, after talking with my parents and praying about it, I told Andrew that yes, I was interested in getting to know one another better.

And now here we are, one year later, only three weeks from our wedding.


It truly is amazing how much one year changes everything. Andrew and I are different people than we were a year ago; partly by way of perspective, because didn’t know each other as well back then, and partly because of how we’ve grown and matured.

We have gone through a lot this year. We opened ourselves up to each other, being totally honest and vulnerable about what makes us who we are, where we’ve been and where we are, the good and the bad. We’ve lived a lot of life and faced some difficulties, but hard as it has been at moments, it has made us stronger.


Many people have asked me if this is where I saw our relationship going when we first started getting to know each other. Honestly, I didn’t know what was going to come of it. Andrew and I had only been friends for a month; we really didn’t know each other that well. But he was one of the only young men I ever looked at and thought, “I could see myself marrying him”, without mentally changing a thing or two. Not to say that he was / is perfect by any means, but I didn’t feel the need to change him. He was unique and interesting; we seemed to click. There was something about this tall fellow that I liked, and the prospect of getting to know him better was exciting.



The other question that is often asked of me is, When did you know you were in love? And to be honest, I don’t really know. It was a gradual process… but at some point, I looked into those blue eyes of his in a different way, and I realized that I couldn’t imagine living my life without him.


It has been an amazing year – a crazy, beautiful, frightening, exhilarating adventure. And to think that this is only the beginning of a lifetime!

Andrew, you have become the love of my life, and I choose you. I choose to love and respect you, even when my heart desires its own way. I choose to stay by your side and hold your hand, no matter what storms we face.

I admit to you that I am a broken sinner, and that I am and will be imperfect. There are times that I will hurt you, times when we won’t feel the love as we feel it now. There will be times of temptation, moments where we want to give up.

But the moment that we say the words “I do” at the altar, we are committed to one another, and no matter what, I will not break my vow of faithfulness to you. I refuse to give up on us. I can say this with confidence, because our marriage is and will be built upon Christ, and I know that He will enable us to uphold our vows.

God is so good to us, my darling. I am so thankful that He has given you to me, and I cannot wait to start our life together. It will be a glorious adventure. ❤


522 hours until we say I do. 

4 thoughts on “Fall in Love

  1. Paula Pitts says:

    Oh Sweet girl, this is so beautifully written and I’m so proud of the woman you have become. Andrew is blessed to have you for his wife. ❤️


  2. Anonymous says:

    WOW, Mariah your words of LOVE and wisdom of your life ahead with Andrew are incredible. You are starting your marriaged life miles ahead of any other 19 year old I’ve ever witnessed. Your marriage will withstand anything life has to throw at it as long as you keep God first and Andrew a very close second. I wish you both a life filled with kindness, understanding and most of all Unending LOVE for each other.


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